Turning Memories into Masterpieces

Oil Painting of Da Vinci's Last Supper

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One of the most well known pieces of art by Leonardo Da Vinci, The Last Supper is actually a mural which is painted onto the side of the refectory of the Convent Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan. The painting depicts the last supper of Jesus Christ and shows the time where he tells his 12 disciples that one of them will betray him.

Leonardo began working on the painting in 1495 and completed it in 1498, although he didn't work on it continually. The piece measures 460cm x 880cm and unfortunately is falling into disrepair despite a number of restoration attempts.

Each of the 12 disciples shows their reaction to the news in their own way, with Judas Iscariot looking withdrawn at the sudden revelation of his plan.

This reproduction is sure to make a statement on your wall, and spark conversation as it is not only one of the worlds most well known works of art, but there are many stories behind it, and each of the disciples round the table has a tale to tell.


Oil Painting of Da Vinci's Last Supper
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